Fantasy Land of Fairies
Fairies And Poetry 3
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Fantasy Land
Fairies and Pixies
Fairy Art Gallery
Fairies and Poetry
A Fairy Meadow
Fairies And Poetry 2
Fairies And Poetry 3
Fairies And Poetry 4
SHE a night fairy
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The Fairy Dance The soft stars are shining, The moon is alight, The folk of the forest, Are dancing tonight! Oh swift and gay, Is the song that they sing, They float and sway, As they dance and sing. O seek not to find them, The wee folk so fair; They're shy as the swallow, And swift as the air. If you come, they are gone Like a snowflake in May, Like a breath, like a sigh, They vanish away. (Katherine Davis) A Fairy's Child (Robert Graves) Children born of fairy stock Never need for shirt or frock, Never want for food or fire, Always get their hearts'desire! Jingle pockets full of gold, Marry when they're seven years old. Every fairy child may keep Two strong ponies and ten sheep. All have houses, each his own, Built of brick or granite stone. They live on cherries, they run wild~~ I'd love to be a fairy's child! | ||||
Don't go looking for fairies! They'll fly away if you do! You never can see the fairies, Till they come looking for you (unknown) | ||||